As we watched and listened to the Minister of Finance outline the relief packages following the devasting civil riots, we were left wondering where the relief is that the Business Events Industry has ask for through-out this pandemic.
While we cannot fault the need to assist the businesses affected by the looting, we must highlight the fact that we have not had any decent assistance from government.
Our members pay taxes, we contribute to the socio-economy activity of our country, and yet we are left fending for ourselves. We know without a doubt that the Business Events Industry will be fundamental to the rebuilding of this country’s economy, we know that the day will come where we will remind the powers that be, that they forgot about us in our time of need. We will do our citizen duty and rebuild, albeit slowly.
We will continue to help each other; we will continue to push our needs and we hope that we will soon be rewarded.
Saving lives and livelihoods are the foundation of our work, and as such we will always do so safely, responsibly and with loads of empathy. We are all experiencing grief, pain, challenges, and uncertainty at the moment. That is why we are encouraged by the glimmer of improvement in the vaccine roll-out programme by government. The next cohort of persons aged between 18 – 34 years old will be able to register from 1 September 2021. We know that getting vaccinated is a personal choice that requires reflection.
We would like to remind our youth and students of the competition we are running from SAACI National Office. Winners of the competition will be profiled in industry publications along with additional prizes.
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