As we learned with utter horror of the attempted robbery and fatal shooting of a tourist who was visiting our shores, it once again brought home the stark reality that public safety in our country continues to be an achilles heel that we need to address in our daily lives.
Unfortunately, violence is not only a South African challenge as many destinations have the same trials, however, we all know how sensitive the tourism industry is. We are also aware that the amount of work done to sell our destination to the world will increase even more over the course of the next few months. With all our social challenges and the need for a better life for all who live in our country, we call on all role players within the law enforcement clusters to ensure that we all can feel safe as citizens and visitors in this country, after all; public safety is an aspect that acts as either a motivator or deterrent when on a visit to a place away from your home.
As an industry, the business events and exhibitions’ sector have a part to play in how we shape our society and how we ensure that the communities we serve, and impact are involved in our work. We will also ensure that the communities we live in are part of the work we do as we did during our annual conference in Stellenbosch.
We convey our condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.
Full Newsletter: Public Safety