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Not Good Enough

18 March 2022

The anti-climax of our collective anticipation of moving out of the State of Disaster, or what we have come to know as the Disaster Manager Act, that has ruled our lives for 24 months, was a real mood dampener.

The extension or let us say the lack of communication, as to whether there will be an extension, and then finding out that there is yet another month where the Disaster Management Act will be extended, after weeks of discussions, engagement and proposal presentations, really smacks in the face of social partners like ourselves, SAACI.

We know that the shift requires clear legislative change that will protect all of us, should we see a spike in infection rates later in the year, as predicted. What is a concern, is that with all the work done, the wheels of government continues to turn so slowly and slower in times of desperately needed change.

We have and remain clear that the draft shared below meets the requirements which we have been advocating for as an Association, but we are still concerned that the approach requires flexibility where a phased approach demands for greater return to full capacity of venues and freedom of operation out of an already highly regulated sector such as the Business Events Industry.

Our call this week is to you, our members, please submit your concerns on the proposed legislation as this will create a greater industry voice that is matched by our work on how we economically challenge this delayed restrictive approach which is affecting our jobs and our livelihoods.


Full Newsletter: Not Good Enough