As the “Winter of Discontent” slowly gives way for Spring and we head towards the end of the 2021 calendar year , we call on all to consider MEETING in-person. Many are tired of looking into our screen, and with the weather in certain parts starting to improve, an open in-person meeting may be good for the soul.
Human interaction remains core to who we are as people.
Our industry also needs us to “Build Confidence” to venture back into business meetings, to stimulate discussions on how we need to be there for each other, and how we wish to stimulate demand from clients.
Yes, the Alert Levels and Regulations imposed have not been friendly as they restrict the number of pax, but they have been with us for 17 months now. As the Association we have led and demonstrated how it can be done safely and responsibly.
We are calling out you, our members, the Business Events community, and clients to HELP US get back to business.
Let’s Meet and show our confidence in our Business Events Industry.
For the full newsletter, please click on the below link: