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Business Events Industry Continuity

29 January 2021

Dear Members, colleagues, and friends of SAACI,

First and foremost, we would like to thank you for your continued investment in our Association. Without your loyalty and support, we would not be able to develop our Business Events Industry on behalf of you, our valued members.

Simply put, you make what we do possible.

Can you believe that it’s almost year that we were severely impacted by COVID-19 and continue to be heavily affected both personally and professionally?

This past week your Association within the broader tourism and hospitality industry urged government to ease restrictions sooner. We believe that this needs to happen as many within the industry need to return to some form of economic activity. Any further delay will lead to more job losses and more closure of businesses.

In the communication from the TBCSA this week, you will see the collective efforts that are happening in the continued engagement with government on the restrictions as well as much needed funding support for businesses. The announcement of the Tourism Equity Fund this week, while welcomed, will bring new investment into the industry at a time that the sector requires easing of restrictions to activate the recovery process. We would all agree that a more holistic approach, on the challenges the sector currently faces, is what is required right now. The focus of importance of the industry, by government is welcomed at this time of immense challenge. We all have the potential to drive inclusive growth of the Business Events Industry as we await the opportunity to re-start our sector.

We also call for a greater focus from government on the proposals that SAACI has put forward on how we can drive recovery of Business Events industry in the coming months. More information on the Tourism Equity Fund can be found by clicking on the following link.

In recognising and understanding the challenges facing our members, and while we continue to work tirelessly on your behalf, the Association, will start the annual membership renewal process during the month of February 2021. Members settling their invoices by 14th March 2021 will be given a 20% discount, while Members settling their invoices by 31st March 2021 will be given a 15% discount as a thank you for your loyalty.

NOTE: Please note that if you do not intend continuing your membership of SAACI, it is unto you to advise us, in writing, of this by the 25th of February 2021 for the latest. If we are not informed you will be liable for your 2021/2022 membership fees.

As an Association, our number one priority remains serving as the voice of our members and the Business Events Industry in Southern Africa, through these unprecedented times.

Your early renewal will help us plan for the 2021/2022 programming.

Make sure to let us know if you have any suggestions. We’d love to hear your feedback!

Please continue to keep safe,